CS Scheduling Resources @ UCLA

UCLA Upsilon Pi Epsilon
5 min readSep 29, 2020

Written in collaboration with ACM at UCLA, SWE @ UCLA, and UPE at UCLA.
See more resources at
Authors: Kendrake T.

Table of Contents:

  • Bruinwalk Chrome Extension
  • Course Planner
  • Choosing Math Courses
  • Upper Division Math courses
  • DARS

Bruinwalk Chrome Extension — Easy Bruinwalk Ratings

Install the Easy Bruinwalk Ratings chrome extension to easily see professor ratings on my.ucla.edu while you pick your classes!

Install the extension from the Chrome Extension Store!

Course Planner

Course planning is one of the most important parts of navigating through your time at UCLA. Scheduling can be icky, confusing, and even frustrating. To remedy this, feel free to use our four-year sample course map as a guide to navigate through scheduling. This was compiled from course resource sheets provided by the department. However, their documents can be confusing at times.

You can download our planner and load it into your own Google Drive. This is a sample four year plan that includes all of the requisite courses. You may have already fulfilled certain classes, in which case you can check the corresponding green box in column L to keep track of what you have and have not taken. Feel free to move courses (and their units) around however you see fit — there is no one best schedule. Do be aware of class requisites though, some departments enforce them!

** This planner was inspired and modeled after ACM AI’s course map.

Choosing Math Courses — Undergraduate Course Landing

Need help figuring out when to take a particular math class? Fear no more! Check out the Math Undergraduate Course Landing page to see which professors will be teaching in Fall, Winter, and Spring. Click on either the Lower Division Tentative Schedule link or the Upper Division Tentative Schedule link to see a dropdown of math courses.

While math is mostly a linear series, where you do 31A → 31B → 32A → 32B, you do have leeway with 33A, 33B, and Math 61! When you get out of the 31/32 series, you can pick when to take the remaining lower division classes based on the professor.

However, Math 61 should be finished as soon as possible (with a good professor) so you can take CS 180 (Algorithms), one of the most important computer science courses.

Upper Division Math Courses

Want to take upper division math courses but can’t seem to make it in during first or second pass? The Math Department has an “unofficial waitlist” you can sign up on to get placed on a waitlist for a specific lecture here. Several students end up dropping during the first two weeks, and some honors level classes such as Math 115AH will even over-enroll the class.


Your Degree Progress/Audit Report (DARS) is an important document that lets you see what classes you need to complete to graduate. Counselors recommend checking your DARS at least once a quarter, especially while you are deciding classes for the next quarter to ensure you graduate within four years. Access your DARS by going to Academics > Academic Profile > Degree Progress/Audit Report.

You will see a hyperlinked text saying “Continue to DARS.” Click on this link and a new tab will open. Click on the “Run Audit” button to get started.

You will now see the Request an Audit page. Make sure that “Run Current Program” is selected and then click the “Run Audit” button at the bottom. All of the options should already be defaulty set.

You will be taken back to the Request an Audit page. After loading for a few seconds, you will see a new option appear. Click on the “View Audit” text in the View column.

You’ve now arrived at your DARS! At the top of the page, you’ll see your enrollment term information as well as some charts regarding your GPA. The courses section after this is what the DARS is primarily used for. With this, you can check what requirements you have not met yet. A green check marks means you have satisfied that requirement, whereas a red X means you must still complete at least one course to satisfy the requirement. Always make sure your DARS matches your course planner!

If you studied abroad or took CS 188 courses as an elective, you may need to petition the class for it to show up on your DARS.

Your DARS is an extremely important component of your schedule planning. Remember to always check it at least once a quarter!

